2019-08-15 1475
Mingchuang High-quality Shelf Where is the manufacturer of famous creative shelf in Foshan, Guangdong, and the decoration design of famous creative shelf Today, more and more people are joining th
2019-08-07 1465
With the development of modern logistics skills, the utilization rate of warehouse shelves is also increasing. Many factors will affect the service life of warehouses, such as temperature, humidity,
2019-08-03 1290
Can shelf manufacturers customize the shelves of chain convenience stores? Will it be much more expensive than usual? Chain convenience store shelves can be customized by shelf manufacturers. The a
2019-07-27 1285
Recently, I posted on the Internet asking what kind of shelves I want to open a boutique store. I have no time to see, now Yongchuangyi's Xiaoyi will explain in detail what kind of shelves the b
2019-07-27 1286
货架在运用几年后,不免会有一些锈迹发作,这个时分为了货架的漂亮度,就需要咱们自个对货架进行除锈。 欧标贮存提醒您留意不要把有锈的货架泡在稀盐酸里面太久,不然除完货架表层锈后会把里面的物质也趁便反响掉。例如除完铁锈还会跟铁反响。 能够运用小型风动或电动除去货架上面的锈。 这种办法主要以电或压缩空气为动力,安装恰当的除锈货架设备,进行往复运动或旋转运动,以适应货
2019-07-27 1258
Steel and wood shelves are used most in supermarkets. They are not only practical but also high-grade and beautiful. Their planning guarantees the display area and space of products, enables the pro
2019-07-18 1169
驶入式货架在利用历程中大概会遇到叉车碰撞导致货架变形等等题目,作为客户的你遇到如许的题目又该怎么办呢?平常又该怎样查抄货架的利用状态呢?1驶入式货架的维修 驶入式货架要是发买卖外破坏,请即时与货架公司售后办事部分接洽,货架公司会凭据公司的流程做出反响,委派售后办事队已往维修,夺取短时间内包管货架的正常利用,不影响事情服从。2驶入式货架的调养1定期查抄货架螺栓毗连的松紧。2
2019-07-18 1158
超市钢木货架在超市内的使用,不仅方便了货品的摆放,并且愈加方便了顾客选购商品,货架外表处理工艺对于货架来说非常重要,下面简略了解一下钢木货架外表处理工艺要求。 超市钢木货架的外表处理工艺: 所谓货架外表处理工艺,主要是指货架在通过开始加工,组装和焊接之后进行的外表加工; 外表处理质量,喷塑层的厚度(国标是60μ以上)、有没有漏青、起泡、橘